Cruwys Morchard

So what to do now?
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Club please contact our Club Chairperson Jake Hill on 07900 780288.
Or come to our monthly meeting which is held on the first Tuesday of every month at Cruwys Morchard Parish Hall, Cruwys Morchard, Tiverton, EX16 8LD. Need any further information? Please contact Jake on the above number.
Cruwys Morchard Young Farmers Club
Who are Cruwys Morchard YFC?
We are a friendly club that accommodates all age ranges so there is sonething for everyone! We take part in many competitions: dancing, drama, speaking (very entertaining “Just a Minute” and “Call my Bluff”), quizzes, sports, Devon County Show, Mid Devon Show, showing livestock, sheep shearing and stock judging. We are part of the Exe Valley Group, which is one of the six groups in Devon. We are a club that has a "got to have a go attitude” and if the opportunity is there, we like to try it!
What about the wellies?
Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be farmer, let alone own a pair of wellies, to be a member of our Club (although you never know – the wellies might come in handy!). Cruwys Morchard YFC is a great organisation open to all young people between the ages of 10 and 26. An interest in the countryside is common amongst our members but what really matters is a real enthusiasm to be part of a dynamic and fun loving social group!

Cruwys Morchard Young Farmers is a registered charity number 272876